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Please help us preserve this music!
By clicking above or below you can donate and help fund this vitally important archiving project. Your donation can save reel-to-reel recordings which are deteriorating daily. Your support helps us document current music and events and keep a record in history of this ever evolving music form.
The Foundation is committed to opening a museum space to hold this archive and showcase this rich musical history and create interactive exhibits and your support will help us achieve those goals. Your gift can help spread the story of dance music by allowing us to exhibit pieces of the Archive at other museums and galleries around the world. Your donation can make the difference between people’s life’s work being recognized and documented and that life’s work being buried with a contributor who died in obscurity.
Please don’t let this history be buried in an unmarked grave. Your donation can save it. Your donation of financial support is the lifeblood of this project and it is critical to its success. We thank you in advance for your support.
Please Click Here to Donate
The Modern Dance Music Research and Archiving Foundation
An Illinois Not-For-Profit Corporation
1635 W. Washington, Blvd. Unit 1
Chicago, IL 60612
Email – dancemusicfoundation@yahoo.com
Charles Matlock - Executive Director
Tel – 312-498-5152
Lauren Lowery – Head Archivist
Tel – 312-315-5453